Monday 25 March 2019

Adding, Deploying, Uninstall and Update Solutions with PowerShell in SharePoint 2016

Adding, Deploying, Uninstall and Update Solutions with PowerShell in SharePoint

Add and deploy WSP
Add-SPSolution c:\code\SampleProject.wsp
Install-SPSolution –Identity SampleProject.wsp –WebApplication http://sp2016 -GACDeployment

To Update SPSolution
if soluiton is already deploy , then solution can be upgrade by following commands
Update-SPSolution –Identity SampleProject.wsp –LiteralPath c:\code\SampleProject.wsp –GACDeployment

To uninstall SPSolution or wsp

Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity SampleProject.wsp –WebApplication http://sp2016
Remove-SPSolution –Identity SampleProject.wsp

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